Experiential Teaching

Experiential learning is an engaged learning process whereby students “learn by doing” and by reflecting on the experience. Experiential learning brings together observation, creativity and active interactions into early years education. It allows children to see purpose and to enjoy their learning experience.

Here are some scenarios in EduCare where experiential learning is used:

  • Subject combined into one lesson: hands on art activities such as using dough to create sculptures can cross over into other subjects. For example, our teachers set a rule to only use geometric shapes that they have learned about in maths to create their masterpiece. This helps children to see how subjects cross over to real life situations and extends their creativity further.
  • Gardening: Working in a garden, a child can experience the satisfaction that comes from caring for something over time, while observing the cycle of life firsthand, our teachers supervise children on how to do that in our school yard, where children can take care of the planet and watch it grow day in, day out. 
  • Grocery shopping: Setting up a pretend grocery store allows students to participate in weighing, counting and accuracy. Our teacher set virtual store and children practice the shopping. 
  • Food & Fancy dress: from the traditional day that our preschool runs yearly where children wear different traditional cloths and and making countries flags. children can learn about different cultures in fun and interactive ways.

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